Sunday, January 3, 2010

2 years old

I hope that my memories of you stay as fresh in my mind as they are right now. I don't write as often as I should. You turn 2 on Friday and I just cant beleive it. Im going to give you a Wonder Pets brithday party! In your words "Pets". you are talking your head off these days. We just finished the Christmas season and you had a BIG TIME! Everytime you would see a house with lights, including your own, you would say "LOOK! preeeetty!" You redecorated the Christmas ("tri-cris Tree") about 100 times. For Christmas you got a tent that you LOVE. Nonnie got you one with a tunnel attached and you AND Mr Whiskers love that one too!! You got to see the snow twice already. The first time you saw it, we were on our way out the door and you got a look and said "HOLY COW!!"

You wear 3T and 4Ts and a size 11 shoe. You are one big boy!!!

You are obsessed with Wonder Pets and more recently Calliou. You can even sing the themes songs.

You are such a big boy, but you are still a little baby. You can use a fork pretty well, although getting you to sit at the table for any length of time is a chore. a spoon? not so much. You prefer to drink out of a straw when you can.

You love to play blocks. Pretty much that amounts to putting them in the bucket and dumping them out. Most of the time Mommy gets to put them back in the bucket.
I cant wait til I see what you learn tomorrow.

****nigh nigh sweet bub. Mommy loves you so much. You have the best...and biggest....pucker in the world. Im so grateful for, Joshua. I will do my best to always make sure you have everything you need. mostly something no one else can give you, mommy's love. ******

You are still so crazy about your Daddy (as am i) but boy, are you going through a mommy phase. You cant stand for me to be away from you. But its worth it when your little face lights up when I walk back into the room.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

catching up

Joshy! What is wrong with your mommy? I haven't been keeping up so well. Mostly because you keep us sooooo busy. You are so smart. You have had a big summer. Didn't get sick once. You are saying so many words. You repeat everything. You are CRAZY about your Nonnie and Pa. You LOOOOVE to sing and dance. in fact, just tonight Daddy and I sat here with you for about 45 minutes singing songs and dancing. You love Row Row Row your like when i do it REAL fast. We did that until you said its time to "boop boop"

You learn something new everyday. You get more beautiful everyday. I fall in love with you more everyday. You have a special monkey you like to sleep with. You call him "Meh-Meh".

You are such a big boy. At your 18 m checkup you were 37lbs and 3' tall. WAAAAY off the chart. But you are still our little bitty baby. You are on a hunger strike right now. Just too busy playing to bother to eat. Blueberries are your fav for the summer. You call them and bananas "nummy nums". You love to play wit bubb-os but you would rather do it yourself. You are indeed Mr Independent.

I will try to be better about writing. I dont want to forget one moment of your precious life. Im thankful for every second of it.

Oh yeah, and you rode a carousel this summer. ummmmm no good. we wont be doing that again anytime soon.

***Dear God, watch over my precious baby as he sleeps tonight. He will wake up in the moring to a whole new world of learning and discovery. Allow me the privilege of seeing life through his eyes. And help us keep him on a righteous path. Amen.

I Love you, Buddy.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The bitee becomes the biter,,and then the bitee again

Poor little guy. His mouth is erupting with teeth. He has his bottom two canines popped through and Im pretty sure he is working on his molars too. He drug up a paci from somewhere and has had that in his mouth all weekend. I guess hes chewing on it. But he still wants his thumb when hes sleepy. Anyway,: I was trying to take something out of his hand and he didn;t appreciate it. AT ALL. so he bit me on the inside of my thigh. YYYOUCH! I turned him around and popped his bobo. He looked a me as if to say "you're confusing me by turning me around." Then about that time, Daddy came in and scolded him....that hurt his feelings. So I cried for the rest of the morning because I spanked him, even though he was completely unphased. SO then later that eveni ng, he bit me AGAIN. sigh.

The next day he is playing outside falls and catches himself with his left hand right in the middle of a fire ant bed. I freaked and panicked. Daddy was just proud he didnt cry. And I mean not even a wimper. His little hand swelled up like a sausage. But it went down quickly and not he just has yucky bumps all over his hand. he has not complained once. God bless him.

So at school the next day I get word that he bit a kid. I wasnt suprised. I felt terrible. Not really sure what to do. he's so young. But that night we were getting his jammies on and sure enough he had a bite mark on his back. Josh isnt the only one doing any biting. WOOO HOO!

So just a whole lot of biting going on here. Biting and getting bit, thenn biting again, and then getting bit....again.

he is walking all over. Trying to make him understand he HAS to hold our hand when we cross the street. he is not happy about that. he wants to do it by himself. UGH! such a big boy already.

***My precious bub, I love you so much. You are alseep in your crib right now with your bobo in the air and you have your thumb. all is right with the world.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Walk This Way!

Well, our little fella is on the move. I haven't written in a while, but plenty has happened. After finding out that he has a little bit of hearing loss, likely just from the fluid, we went ahead and put some tubes in his little ears. he did pretty good. He did not appreciate waking up from that anesthesia though. Now, he is up and running. Well not quite running, but certainly up on two feet. He gets smarter everyday. We fall in love with him more and more everyday. he loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle. He puts his arms in the air and sings "up uh-buuh" (a.k.a. up above)


CHOMP! He bit me twice today. he got his first spanking by me. It didnt even phase him, but I spent the better part of my morning crying. Mostly because i dont want to spank him, but also its just another sign that my precious sweet bub is growing up. I think his teeth are bothering him. He got his 9th tooth and 10 is torturing his gums. SO maybe thats why the biting. yyyyeah thats it...thats the ticket.

***night night my precious bub. I will always love you no matter what mistakes you make. i will also rub your back every night for as long as you want me too.*****

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sick boy

It just so happens today was an ice day so Josh and I were going to spend the day playing and reading and learning how to walk. NOT! He woke up with a nasty fever. I was wearing Daddy's big fleece robe and he just snuggled up on me and got his thumb. he proceeded to stay there until Daddy got home to relieve me at 1230. His fever at times was over 103. It was sooo sad. We got some Motrin on board and next thing ya know, he was on the move. That lasted for about an hour. We decided to go ahead and take him to the doctor and sure enough....a double ear infection. She said it may even be the flu. We go Friday for his one year check up (day after tomorrow) and if he is still having fevers, then they will do a flu swab. By the time we got back from the dr. he was back down and feeling bad. He perked up a little before bedtime. But we gave him all his medicines and laid he down. He only protested for about 3 minutes and he is out. i went in and tucked him in and it seems as though he feels cooler. Hopefully he will be able to sleep tonight. if he wakes up he can come sleep with us. I would be lying if I said I didnt enjoy cuddling and taking care of him today. But oh did I cry when he was feeling so bad. his beautiful blue eyes turned the color of stagnant water. he just kept saying "mom-mom" in his pitiful little sick voice. But i would kiss his hot little forehead and tell him Im here. The we would sing a little Twinkle Twinkle or Itsy Bitsy spider and that seemed to comfort him. he would get his trusty thumb and curl up on me and fall asleep. How could I ever be mad at that thumb? If I have to pay $15K for braces than so be it. It has seem him through good times and bad. And just think, thank GOD this is all over an ear infection. Sadly, there are mommies that have to take care of babies in hospitals and worse. For them my heart is heavy. VERY heavy. No matter how serious the hurt, mommies just NEED to try to take it away.
****night night precious bub. Mommy is here if you need kisses and the Itsy bitsy spider tonight.***

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our little book worm

Josh got some new books for his birthday. He has always had books and we have always read to him. but for whatever reason, he has decided that books rule. He will sit all day and play with just books and pay no attention to his toys. He will bring us a book to read. Tonight he started "reading" by himself. he sits in the floor with his book and quietly say "dabba dabba baaabee" Then he goes from 0 to 100 in a second saying"DABBA DABBA BAAABEEE". We think that is his version of "NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPIN ON THE BED". He picks up on everything. The other night we were out to dinner and Frank and I shook a guys hand. The guy in turn was kidding around with josh and held his hand out to shake it. We almost fell out of our chair when Josh held out his had and shook it. Joshy thought that was too funny so he did it again.

Josh, you are so smart, Bub. You reel in everyone you meet. You have a contagious smile. You make mommy so proud everyday. You are by far my best accomplishment. XO

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Night Night like a big boy

We are finding that we have to put Josh to bed while he is still awake. It kills us to just stick him in his room by himself while its dark and lonely. Although he gets better at it every night. But tonight was the first night in his life, that he went to bed without a bottle. UGH! My big boy. Fortunately, he is making this transition easier for us as he is going through a big time cuddling phase. He will just be playing and playing and all of the sudden he will stop and crawl up in our lap and just lay his little head down us. he feels so good and smells so good. I love him so much.